電話號碼 Phone Number


電郵 Email


辦工時間 Office hour

Mon-Sun:10 AM - 6PM


Step 1

Select foreign helpers, submit documents, sign contracts, arrange documents and physical examination for foreign helpers

(3-5 weeks)

Step 2

Indonesian Consulate Contract Certification

(1 week)

Step 3

Apply for a work visa at the Hong Kong Immigration Department

(4-6 weeks)

Step 4

Apply for exit permit

(1-2 weeks)

Step 5

Foreign domestic help arrives

(The whole process takes 3 months in total)


Step 1

Select foreign helpers, submit documents, sign contracts, arrange documents and physical examination for foreign helpers

(1-2 weeks)

Step 2

Apply for a work visa at the Hong Kong Immigration Department

(4-6 weeks)

Step 3

Philippine Consulate Contract Certification

(1 week)

Step 4

Arrange OWWA, TESDA, and apply for an exit permit

(4 weeks)

Step 5

Foreign domestic help arrives

(The whole process takes 3 months in total)
